Top 8 essential amino acids for the human body


Amino acids are the essential substances that constitute the protein required for animal nutrition, can provide energy for the body and the brain, and are the source of all living substances. There are eight essential amino acids for adults (9 for babies), including lysine, phenylalanine, methionine (methionine), threonine, tryptophan, leucine, isoleucine, and valine acid.

However, these eight essential amino acids cannot be synthesized by the body and need to be ingested through food.

Amino acids can play some of the following roles through metabolism in the human body: ①Synthesize tissue proteins. ②It turns into ammonia-containing substances such as acids, hormones, antibodies, and creatine. ③ Converted into carbohydrates and fats. ④Oxidize into carbon dioxide, water, and urea to generate energy.

01, Lysine

Lysine has positive nutritional significance in promoting human growth and development, enhancing immunity, anti-virus, promoting fat oxidation, and relieving anxiety. It can prevent and treat herpes simplex infection, improve people's attention, and promote the growth and development of children's bodies.

It is suitable for herpes patients, ADHD patients, and children with weight loss and slow physical development.

02, Phenylalanine

Phenylalanine is an aromatic amino acid. Most of the phenylalanine in the body is oxidized to tyrosine by the catalytic action of phenylalanine hydroxylase, and together with tyrosine, it synthesizes essential neurotransmitters and hormones and participates in the body's sugar metabolism and fat metabolism.

Phenylalanine has the effects of reducing hunger, enhancing libido, enhancing memory, improving thinking sensitivity, and eliminating depression.

It is suitable for sexual dysfunction, memory loss, postpartum depression, menopausal syndrome, depression, and other diseases.

03, Methionine

Methionine is a potent antioxidant that can promote fat 

decomposition and remove harmful substances such as lead, mercury, and tin from the body. It can be used to prevent and treat fatty liver, arteriosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, myasthenia gravis, Rheumatic fever, pregnancy uremia, and other conditions.

If Methionine is lacking, protein synthesis in the body will be blocked, causing damage to the body. The excessive oxidation of membrane lipids caused by oxygen-free radicals in the body is the cause of many kinds of injuries to the body.

It is suitable for patients suffering from fatty liver, arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease, nephritis, rheumatism, uremia during pregnancy, and other conditions.

04, Threonine

The primary function of threonine is to maintain the body's protein balance, participate in the body's sugar metabolism and fat metabolism, prevent the accumulation of fat in the liver, promote the production of antibodies in the human body, enhance the function of the human immune system, and promote growth.

It is suitable for patients suffering from fatty liver, weakened immunity such as cold-prone people, protein malabsorption, and other diseases.

05, tryptophan

Tryptophan has the effects of promoting sleep, reducing the body's sensitivity to pain, and relieving tension and anxiety.

Suitable crowd: It is ideal for people who suffer from neurasthenia, insomnia, migraine, pre-examination stress disorder, and other diseases, as well as emotional depression and mental ill-health.

06, Leucine

The role of Leucine includes working with isoleucine and valine to repair muscles, control blood sugar, and provide energy to body tissues. Leucine has the effects of promoting sleep, reducing the body's sensitivity to pain, relieving tension and anxiety, preventing body dysfunction, and preventing poisoning.

It is suitable for patients suffering from insomnia, migraine, neuralgia, and other diseases or are in a poor mood, work stress alcohol addiction (especially those with acute or chronic alcoholism).

07, Isoleucine

Isoleucine is an essential component for the formation of human hemoglobin. It can regulate human blood sugar (mainly increase blood sugar levels), increase energy levels, improve physical fitness, repair damaged muscle tissue, assist in the treatment of liver failure, and promote growth hormone secretion.

It is suitable for patients suffering from hypoglycemia, liver disease, trauma, insufficient growth hormone secretion, and other diseases and regular supplements for patients after surgery.

08, valine

Valine is a branched-chain amino acid. It can promote the average growth of the body, repair tissues, regulate blood sugar, and provide needed energy.